The biggest Mystery of Dark Energy and Dark Matter

Dark matter :

Dark matter is a mystery material that accounts for approximately 25% of the cosmos. It is unseen, yet its gravitational impacts on visible matter tell us it exists. Galaxies, for example, rotate more faster than they should if they were simply formed of stars and gas. This implies that they are held together by a large amount of invisible substance.

There are numerous hypotheses as to what dark matter is formed of. It could be composed of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). These particles would interact with one another and with gravity, but not with light or other types of electromagnetic radiation. Another hypothesis is that dark matter is composed of axions, which are hypothetical particles hypothesized to overcome a difficulty in particle physics.

Dark energy:

Dark energy is far stranger than dark matter. It is assumed to be responsible for the universe's accelerated expansion. However, we have no idea what it is or why it is hastening the expansion.

One idea is that dark energy is a type of energy that is dispersed uniformly throughout the universe. This energy is supposed to be accelerating the expansion of the universe. Another idea is that dark energy is an inherent property of space. This characteristic would accelerate the expansion of space.

A vast range of data, including galaxies' rotation curves, gravitational lensing of light, and the cosmic microwave background, suggest the presence of dark matter and dark energy. However, we still don't know what they're constructed of or how they function. These are some of physics' biggest mysteries, and they could have a huge impact on our knowledge of the cosmos.

In addition to the information provided above, consider the following facts concerning dark matter and dark energy:

Dark matter and dark energy are assumed to have existed since the very beginning of the universe, and dark matter is thought to be necessary for the development of galaxies and galaxy clusters.

Dark energy is assumed to be responsible for the universe's accelerated expansion. The reality of dark matter and dark energy is still debated, however there is mounting evidence to support their presence.

We may ultimately be able to answer these questions as we discover more about the universe. But, for the time being, dark matter and dark energy remain some of physics' greatest mysteries.


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