
Showing posts from January, 2025

ISRO's spadex mission

Image Courtesy: ISRO  • India’s space agency, ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation), is known for achieving extraordinary milestones in space science. From Chandrayaan to Mangalyaan, ISRO has brought global recognition to India’s capabilities in space exploration. Now, its new and ambitious project, SPANDEX (Space Propulsion and Nanosatellite Development Experiment), is set to revolutionize the way we explore and utilize space. Let’s dive into what makes the SPANDEX mission so unique and exciting. What is the SPANDEX mission ?  Image Courtesy: ISRO • The SPANDEX mission is ISRO's cutting-edge experimental program aimed at developing improved propulsion systems and nanosatellite technology. Its fundamental goal is to make satellites smaller, smarter, and more efficient, while significantly lowering the cost of launching and operating them.  • Consider SPANDEX a futuristic space lab where ISRO is developing next-generation technologies to transform space exploration and...

Space X Starship flight 7

• The name SpaceX represents innovation, ambition, and pushing the boundaries of space exploration. On January 16, 2025, SpaceX flew its seventh Starship test flight from Boca Chica, Texas. The event was full of excitement, success, and unanticipated challenges. Let's look at the specifics of this mission, what it accomplished, and what went wrong. A Historical Liftoff   • This mission saw the maiden flight of Ship 33, an enhanced Block 2 upper stage, and Booster 14, a Block 1 vehicle. The launch went off flawlessly, with the enormous rocket screaming to life and rising into the sky, leaving a path of fire and smoke.  • One of the flight's highlights was SpaceX's successful landing and capture of the Super Heavy rocket using its "chopsticks," a set of mechanical arms atop the launch tower. This was only the second time in history that such a feat had been performed, and it marked a significant step forward in reusable rocket technology. Mission Goals   • The missi...

Everything discovered by JWST

Image courtesy : NASA • The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST ) is the world's most advanced space observatory, dedicated to unraveling the secrets of the cosmos. Since its deployment, JWST has transformed our view of the universe, revealing previously unknown data about galaxies, exoplanets, and celestial events. Let's look at some of the telescope's most amazing finds. A New Window into the Early Universe . Image courtesy : NASA • One of JWST's key tasks is to investigate the early universe. Its strong infrared instruments discovered galaxies that formed just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. JWST discovered some of the most ancient and distant galaxies, providing insight into the universe's origins. These findings help scientists comprehend how galaxies developed over billions of years.  Supermassive Black Holes : JWST unexpectedly detected supermassive black holes in the early universe. These observations call into question prevailing theories regar...

What Does It Smell Like in Space?

 • When we think about space, we envision stars, planets, and an endless, silent void. Have you ever wondered what space smells like? It may appear unusual to raise this topic, especially since space is a vacuum with no air to transport smells. However, astronauts who have traveled to space report that it has a distinct aroma. Let us investigate this fascinating topic! Astronauts Talk About the Smell of Space • Astronauts who have been on spacewalks frequently mention the scent of space when they return to the safety of their spacecraft. They detect it on their spacesuits, helmets, and gear. Here is how some of them describe it.  Burnt Steak : According to several astronauts, space smells similar to burned beef.  Welding Fumes : Others liken it to the metallic smell of a welding flame.  Gunpowder : Some people compare the smell to the strong, smokey scent of gunpowder. Don Pettit, an astronaut, stated, "It's kind of like the smell of ozone, a faint acrid smell... it ...