ISRO's spadex mission

Image Courtesy: ISRO • India’s space agency, ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation), is known for achieving extraordinary milestones in space science. From Chandrayaan to Mangalyaan, ISRO has brought global recognition to India’s capabilities in space exploration. Now, its new and ambitious project, SPANDEX (Space Propulsion and Nanosatellite Development Experiment), is set to revolutionize the way we explore and utilize space. Let’s dive into what makes the SPANDEX mission so unique and exciting. What is the SPANDEX mission ? Image Courtesy: ISRO • The SPANDEX mission is ISRO's cutting-edge experimental program aimed at developing improved propulsion systems and nanosatellite technology. Its fundamental goal is to make satellites smaller, smarter, and more efficient, while significantly lowering the cost of launching and operating them. • Consider SPANDEX a futuristic space lab where ISRO is developing next-generation technologies to transform space exploration and...