What if we meet alien civilization? ➣It's is very intresting to think about it. First of all we don't have a specific knowledge about how aliens look like. So we have a wast area for thinking about their look. Possibility of aliens look : ➣They may be look like us, like plants, like animals - birds - insect or any other living creature exist on earth. (our beautiful planet, which will not remain beautiful because of intelligent human civilization.) ➣They may be in form of bacteria, virus or other microorganisms. Which is similar to earth or different from earth. ➣It's possibility that they don't have a specific shape, just like water, but made by other materials.(our life line) ➣They may be look like rock or they have specific shape like circle, rectangle, square, hexagonal space, pyramid and others. Possibility of their capabilities: ➣ If they are more powerful than us, then they may be rule on earth. They will destroy our earth, may be they put us on different...