What if we meet alien civilization?


➣It's is very intresting to think about it. First of all we don't have a specific knowledge about how aliens look like. So we have a wast area for thinking about their look.

Possibility of aliens look :

➣They may be look like us, like plants, like animals - birds - insect or any other living creature exist on earth. (our beautiful planet, which will not remain beautiful because of intelligent human civilization.) 

➣They may be in form of bacteria, virus or other microorganisms. Which is similar to earth or different from earth.

➣It's possibility that they don't have a specific shape, just like water, but made by other materials.(our life line)

➣They may be look like rock or they have specific shape like circle, rectangle, square, hexagonal space, pyramid and others.

Possibility of their capabilities:

➣ If they are more powerful than us, then they may be rule on earth. They will destroy our earth, may be they put us on different planet ( Ex. proxima-B planet). It's also possibility that they use us for their work, they do experiment on us .

➣ If they are less powerful than us then it's possibility that we rule them, we use them for our work, we may be go to their planet and live there or destroy it.

Genetic combination of human and alien:

➣ Alien biology, assuming they exist, would likely be fundamentally different from human biology, including differences in DNA structure, genetic coding, and reproductive mechanisms. Without any concrete knowledge of alien biology, it is impossible to speculate on the genetic combination of humans and aliens or the potential outcomes of such a combination.


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