Chandrayaan 3 : one step closer to the Moon.

• On July 14, 2023, Chandrayaan 3 was successfully launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India. • On August 5, 2023, the spacecraft entered lunar orbit; on August 23, 2023, the lander soft-landed on the lunar surface at Singhasan, near the lunar south pole. The lander is carrying the Pragyan rover, which will spend up to 14 days exploring the lunar surface. The Chandrayaan 3 mission is scheduled to last for one year.

• The successful launch and landing of Chandrayaan 3 is a significant achievement for India's space program. This mission will assist India in becoming a leader in lunar exploration.

Here are some of Chandrayaan 3's scientific goals:

• Look for water molecules on the lunar surface;  Research the geology and composition of the moon.

• Conduct research on the lunar atmosphere and dust environment.

• Gather lunar rock and soil samples.

• The data obtained by Chandrayaan 3 will aid scientists in their understanding of the Moon's creation and evolution. This data will also be useful for future lunar missions.

• ISRO has praised the scientists and engineers who worked on the Chandrayaan 3 project. This mission demonstrates India's developing capability in space exploration.

• The successful arrival into lunar orbit is a significant achievement for the Chandrayaan 3 program. India has successfully launched a spacecraft into lunar orbit for the first time since the Chandrayaan 2 mission in 2019. A successful touchdown of the lander and rover would be a significant accomplishment for India's space program.

• ISRO has praised the scientists and engineers who worked on the Chandrayaan 3 project. This mission demonstrates India's developing capability in space exploration.


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