Is Revolution a random process?

 Is Revolution is randum process or some special power create it ?

A Famous scientist CHARLES DARWIN teach us about how revolution occurs on our Earth. Smallest bacteria to 50 tones weighted dinosaurs exist on earth at different time.

All of this come from a tiny single cell, which have RNA and DNA. ( Building blocks of life ). As time passes it's evolves. If Revolution is randum than all this process occurs in long time span. And it is Very very long time. It is more that the time when our Universe expand.

Many scientists still searching about how life forms on earth. And then how revolution occurs randomly. 
Let take an living creature Butterfly. It is very beautiful creature made by...... But firstly it an ugly cocoon and than it change it self. So this process need much more time, and if we think deeply about it without any external power it's not occour randomly.

Let's think about that, Revolution means change in creatures structure. If some creature change than there is many many possibilities of changing. Than how nature decide it. 

So many scientists believe that, there is an power exists somewhere which do all this things. Because RNA is very complex structure same as DNA. When living creature evolves then in cell RNA need to replicate it's self to build same cell. 


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