Is Reality Real ?

 It's possibility that what we see and what we khow is not real.

All this is illusion.

On EARTH all living creature work for sustain their lives in many ways. Other all living creature accept HUMANS only work for food and protect their life.

And so many HUMANS also work for food and secure their lives, they live in that type of environment, that type of people surrounded by them, culture, parents mindset, their own mindset, situations and many more affect their lives. 

But some people live their life beyond that, they don't think about only survival, they use their mind in different things. WHY WE ARE HERE?, WHAT LIFE IS?, IS THERE ANY SUPERPOWER?, WHO PROTECTS US & RUIN US?, WHY OUR BODY STRUCTURE MADE LIKE THAT WAY? and many more questions depend on different mindset.

And here we use critical and creative thinking. We think about that, we live on this earth and beleive that all this is real.
Our body, soul, atmosphere, nature, other people all this things are real ? It is possibility that it's only in our mind and we only feel about that. 

If you are fane of MARVEL MOVIES fane than you watched ANT MAN, DOCTOR STRANGE, SPIDER MAN and other amazing science fiction movies like INTERSTELLAR.
All this upgrade your creative thinking. Many more based on QUANTUM PHYSICS we talk about it in next chapter. 


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